Cascadia Geoservices, Inc. (CGS) combines our areas of expertise to address geologic and geotechnical concerns and solve problems.
The following is a partial list of services provided:
Residential Evaluations
Services to homeowners in evaluating new or existing construction. CGS routinely works with homeowners, realtors and contractors to provide appropriate documentation to permitting agencies.
Forensic Studies
Forensic evaluations of failed construction to determine causation. CGS will provide remedial treatment recommendations and litigation assistance, as required.
Landslide Evaluations
Evaluations and remedial treatment recommendations and design for landslides affecting the built environment.
Foundation Design
Evaluation of ground conditions for developing efficient foundation alternatives. Designs and cost estimates are typically provided by CGS.
Permitting Assistance
Assistance in providing appropriate information and documentation for permit submittals to reviewing agencies. CGS will coordinate with reviewers to optimize the process.
Drainage and Erosion Evaluations
CGS will provide grading, drainage and erosion control recommendations appropriate to the proposed construction.
Site Environmental Assessments
Phase I and Phase II evaluations. CGS will meet with reviewers to achieve the desired outcome.
Seismic Evaluations
Conduct seismic evaluations, provide geotechnical recommendations as appropriate and in accordance with the most recent ordinance language
Directional Drill
Provide services for directional drill projects to define materials and identify potential risks.
Zoning Changes
Provide evaluations and assistance as appropriate for zoning changes involving proposed developments and construction. CGS will coordinate with agencies as appropriate.
Construction Engineering
CGS will act as the contractors geotechnical engineer to assist with contractor design items and provide construction submittals as appropriate.
Groundwater Evaluations
Assess groundwater conditions through drilling and aquifer evaluations. CGS is capable of completing groundwater modeling for dewatering systems, domestic supply well development or contamination migration.
Ground Support
Evaluation of soft or poor quality ground. CGS will provide recommendations for piling, stone columns, wick drains, compaction grouting, screw anchors, soil mixing, cement treatment, fill processing, ect., as appropriate.
Construction Observation
Provide grading and materials installation and compaction testing. CGS provides the observation and daily reports with photos and testing results.